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YAZIO and Apple Health

  • Updated

Connection requirements

To use YAZIO with your Health App effectively, please ensure the following:

  • Operating System iOS 16 or higher.
  • YAZIO Version 7.2.0 or higher.
  • In iPhone settings under Settings > Health > Data Access & Devices > YAZIO, enable all read and write permissions, particularly for active energy.

Syncing process

YAZIO accurately transfers your active calories to Apple Health. The data is compared with all stored entries, including data from other third-party providers. YAZIO uses the active calories calculated by Apple Health to avoid duplication and ensure correct activity data.

Here is a quick example:

Apple Health records activity energy from 1 PM to 2 PM. YAZIO records activity energy from 1 PM to 1:15 PM and transfers this value to Apple Health. Apple Health recognizes that there are two values for the period 1 PM to 1:15 PM and subtracts them.

Step Card & Flame Values Explained

  • Step Card: The number you see represents steps as calculated by YAZIO.
  • Flame Icon: This appears when you connect YAZIO to Apple Health or a third-party provider and shows your synchronized activity energy.

If you only enter your steps manually or do not use other apps to record steps, the value under the flame always corresponds to the value in the step card.

However, these values may differ if you have several devices (e.g., your Apple Watch) or other apps connected to Apple Health and transfer these steps. Please see our instructions for Case 2 and Case 3.

Case 1: I only use my iPhone and have exclusively connected YAZIO with Apple Health.

The following information only applies if you do not use an Apple Watch or other fitness apps. If you do, please read our instructions for cases 2 and 3.

We first transfer our self-calculated active calories to Apple Health. There, the data is compared with all stored entries, and the data recorded simultaneously is deducted. The result is transferred to YAZIO and displayed as a flame. The active calories (flame) shown in YAZIO are identical to the value in Apple Health.

You can choose whether the YAZIO value or the Apple Health value is used for overlapping periods by prioritizing data in Apple Health under Browse > Activity > Active Energy > Data Sources & Access > Edit > Data Sources: Edit the ranking of data sources via the three lines on the right.

Case 2: I only use YAZIO but also have my Apple Watch connected to Apple Health.

Both the Apple Watch and your iPhone may record steps. By default, Apple Health prioritizes the steps recorded by the Apple Watch.

You can edit the prioritization under Apple Health Browse > Activity > Active Energy > Data Sources & Access.

Case 3: I use YAZIO, Apple Health, and another fitness tracker.

When using other fitness apps or pedometers, it is possible that they record data at the same time.

To avoid mistakes, please go to Browse > Activity > Active Energy > Data Sources & Access in Apple Health. Click on the other fitness tracker below Data Source, and choose the data for today.

Now, there are two cases:

  1. The additional fitness tracker writes data for the entire day as one entry (timestamp 23:59).
  • Activate the transfer of activity energy to Apple Health only for the fitness tracker or YAZIO. You can set this in your phone settings > Health > Data Access & Devices > YAZIO (or the other fitness tracker) > Allow YAZIO to write Data: Active Energy (disable & enable).
  • Ensure that the reading permission is maintained.
  1. The other fitness tracker enters the data with an exact time, e.g., 12:09.
  • Adjust the prioritization of the data sources under Browse > Activity > Active Energy > Data Sources & Access > Edit > Data Sources: You can edit the ranking of data sources via the three lines on the right.
  • YAZIO should be prioritized lower than the other fitness tracker to achieve a more accurate result.

We hope that you were able to find answers to all your questions and wish you a great journey with YAZIO.

Should you have any more questions, please feel free to contact Max by clicking on the chat symbol at the bottom right of your screen. đź’¬

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